
Berguedà is a region of mushrooms

Berguedà is a region known for mushrooms. We have especially rovellons, llenegues, ous de reig, cama groc, cama de perdiu … In autumn, the forests of the region offer their fruits. The weather and the diversity of forest areas allow plenty of mushrooms.

The Berguedà is a region in autumn turns. Fortunately, it is a territory where it can be harvested mushrooms are highly appreciated. The colour and texture dominate the palate for each mushroom making them ...

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casa rural-la-volta

New web page!

Rural house for a family tourism is Volta of Ferreres. With the web we hope convey the charm of our house while we show you the detail and features.

This web from the cottage, offers a clear and intuitive system that you can reserve for booking via the same web. Like other rural establishments we have, Cal Cisteller and Baluard.

The Volta is a very particular and cozy home at once. Its main feature is its ...

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